Unfortunately Heavy Ball can only be made with a Black Apricorn, it's a long process. In short, a Heavy Ball is best thrown at a hard-to-catch heavy pokémon. Here are some numbers: (it means that the Heavy Ball is x-times as effective as a regular Pokéball) those who are easy to catch), the improvement is much less. It is preferred to use either Dusk or Ultra Balls, keeping some Timer Balls in reserve.

All other Balls have a catch rate of 1 against the legendaries. While both these Balls exceed the Rate of the Dusk Ball, they are more circumstantial. 5 Can only be obtained and used at the Safari Zone (FRLG, RSE, and HGSS) and at the Great. Quick Balls begin at 4, and are reduced to 1 on the next turn. Note that when a Heavy Ball is thrown at any pokémon weighting at least 451.5lbs, it always gives a better than 1x chance of catching the pokémon, but for pokémon with high catch rates (i.e. Timer Ball: Increased catch rate the longer the battle is. In a few cases, for very heavy pokémon, you get a better multiplier than even the 8x Level Ball or Love Ball. Throw your Ultra Balls and Dusk Bulls until it's caught. National Park: Timer Ball: 1000: A somewhat different Ball that becomes progressively better the more turns there are in a battle. Safari Zone: Sport Ball: 300: A special Poké Ball for the Bug-Catching Contest. Every turn afterwards increases the catch rate by 0.1. This Purchase is for a 4 Cards Playset of the Timer Ball 134/149 Pokemon Card from the Sun & Moon set of the Pokemon Trading Card game (4 cards the same). Battle Mewtwo until it's at less than 50 percent of its health. A special Poké Ball that is used only in the Great Marsh. Timer Balls have a catch rate that increases as the battle drags on. Buy in Safari Zone Gate, Pewter City, Cerulean City, Vermillion City, Lavender Town, and Saffron City for 1,000 Poke. The multiplier depends on the catch rate of the pokémon as well as the weight of the heavy pokémon. Stock up on Ultra Balls, Dusk Balls, and Timer Balls. Stores daily drawing (300 Poke per drawing) on a Thursday and win 2nd prize. TL DR Yes, Heavy Balls are usually better than Timer Balls for catching legendaries.